We Have Achieved ISO 14001:2015 Certification

The certificate confirms our commitment to sustainable practices and environmental protection.

It is an internationally recognized standard for environmental management, providing us with a framework for managing environmental impacts and enabling continuous improvement in this area.

Obtaining this ISO certificate demonstrates our long-term effort to minimize negative environmental impacts, comply with relevant legal requirements, and achieve set environmental goals.

Why is this certification important? In an era of increasing environmental awareness and global challenges such as climate change and the depletion of natural resources, organizations play a key role in environmental protection. The ISO 14001 certificate offers a structured approach to addressing these current issues and achieving continuous improvement in environmental performance.

By adopting this standard, we signal not only our commitment to legal compliance but also an active approach to improving our environmental impacts. This has real benefits – from waste reduction and energy savings to financial savings.

We are proud to be part of this global effort towards a sustainable future and are ready to continue our journey towards a better and greener world.