Personal Data Processing

The company Green Center s.r.o., with the company registration number (IČ) 471 21 572, with the registered office at Mladoboleslavská 1121, 197 00, Praha 9, as a Data Controller provides you, as website users, with information on the personal data collection and the policy of personal privacy.

Data Controller

Pursuant to Article 4 (7) of Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR“), the company Green Center s.r.o. with the company registration number (IČ) 471 21 572, with the registered offfice at Mladoboleslavská 1121, 197 00, Praha 9, shall be the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller“).

The Controller contact details are:

address: Mladoboleslavská 1121, 197 00 Praha 9
telephone number: +420 266 090 090


By filling in the contact form on the website you agree with the provision of personal data stated in the form and, in compliance with the relevant provisions and in compliance with the Regulation of (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation, (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR Regulations“), as free act and deed, you grant the company Green Center s.r.o. an express consent with the processing of the personal data provided, particularly the name, surname, contact details (telephone number, e-mail, address).

I grant my consent with the processing of my personal data stated above for the following purposes:
• The reverse contact and the provision of required information
• Green Center trade and services offers
• The provision of direct marketing (particularly, for the sending of business messages and newsletters) in compliance with Article 6(1)(a) GDPR linked to Section 7(2) Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain Information Society Services, if no order of goods and services occurred.
You grant your consent for the period of 6 years while noting that you can withdraw your consent in writing at any time. Personal data will be stored for the time for which this consent has been granted, if it is not withdrawn prior to the expiration of this time. After the expiration of the time for the personal data storing, the Controller shall erase the data. At the same time, you declare the provided personal data to be accurate and truthful.

Instructions on Rights
Under the GDPR terms and conditions, you have:
• the right of access to your personal data in compliance with Article 15 GDPR,
• the right of rectification of personal data in compliance with Article 16 GDPR, or, if necessary, the right of restriction of processing of personal data in compliance with Article 18 GDPR.
• the right of erasure of personal data in compliance with Article 17 GDPR.
• the right to object to processing of personal data in compliance with Article 21 GDPR and
• the right to data portability in compliance with Article 20 GDPR.
• the right to withdraw the consent with the processing either in a written form or an electronic form sent to the address or email of the Controller stated in Article III of these Terms and Conditions.
You can exercise all your rights by contacting us at our email address:
Further, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, if you think your data protection rights have been breached.

Recipients of Personal Data are the following people:
Recipients of personal data are people:
• providing the services of website operation
• providing marketing services
The Controller does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country (to a country outside of the EU) or to an international organization.

Conditions of Personal Data Protection
The Controller declares that he/she has adopted all appropriate technical and organizational measures to implement the data protection principles.
The Controller declares that only persons authorized by them have access to personal data.

Final Conclusions
You express your agreement to these terms and conditions via ticking „yes“ in the internet form. By indicating your agreement, you confirm that you have got acquainted with the terms and conditions of personal data protection and you have accepted them in their entirety.
The Controller is entitled to change these terms and conditions. The new version of the terms and conditions of personal data protection shall be announced by the Controller on their website.
These terms and conditions come into effect on the date of November 16, 2021.